Thursday, February 09, 2006

Read before THEY delete this. . .

We have hacked into the emails servers of The Society and uncovered the following email correspondence regarding what appears to be the favorite whorehouse of certain founding members of The Society. We have hacked into their blog so their people will see what kind of monsters they are working for.

What is the real goal behind The Society - we may never know, but this is one more piece of the puzzle.

ML - As to my numbers the best are my XXXXREDACTEDXXXX based cell XXXXREDACTEDXXXX or the XXXXREDACTEDXXXX based land line XXXXREDACTEDXXXX. The number at Madame Chang's is useless as I don't take calls there and Madame Chang is adamant that the girls never divulge a patron's presence in any event. Good policy. Good Madame. Good service. It's always a good time at Madame Chang's.

GD - Nice to know Madam Chang still has standards when dealing with her clients. I wonder if she will ever let me back in after the "incident". Oh well, the follies of youth.

ML - Madame Chang still considers you persona non grata (she bought a gun in case you ever come in) and Mei Ling still wakes with night terrors. The whole thing has taken on a life of it's own and you are held in dread like some kind of boogie man. Every now and again one of the new girls will ask me if I actually know you, usually with a tremor of fear. This generally wastes a half hour. BTW, the story gets gorier with each new girl, and to hear them tell it the room was dripping in blood and you were covered en toto, a naked madman with talon-like fingers glistening in a bath of bodily humors. The older girls speak of you as some kind of monster to scare the younger girls and they refer to you more as a creature than a man. When they say your name it all strings together like a word out of some tongue twisting C'thulian mythos: XXXXREDACTEDXXXX. Never go there again. Ever. Some things are best left in the past.

GD - Tell Mei Ling I still think of her and reminder that I promised that I would come and see her again sometime.

ML - As for Mei Ling: I will tell her no such thing. Hide your claws and leave that poor girl alone. Besides, Madame Chang is hooked in with the Tongs now so I would tread lightly on such points were I you. The Dragon Head's local liaison has taken a shine to Mei and would probably frown on any interruption to her services. You could ask him yourself; he's playing Mahjongg with Fast Eddie at the Mott Street back room next week. Ask for Mr. Zin (to my knowledge no relation to the Doctor). A rather odd fellow who strikes me as more of a wraith than a man. All in all, you might just want to find a new outlet for your "hobby". I'd suggest finding a new "hobby" but we both know your appetites, as depraved and unnatural as they may be, will get the better of you sooner or later.


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